Update on my PIP

Update on my PIP Application

You can read up on my last PIP post here:  PIP Rejection


It has been a while since I updated anything here on my blog, life has slightly taken over which is a good and bad thing, bad only when if you are like me and find it hard to pace and to say ‘no.’

So this will be a short update on this particular subject matter, that being my PIP application.  As you know I applied, I was swiftly rejected, I was invited to put my points across if I thought they had missed anything.  I went in to Richmond Aid and they helped me put my points across, many of which in the interview had not been addressed.  Though it takes ages to get the interview, it is amazingly swift to get rejections.

I was rejected again and invited to go to Tribunal if I wished to appeal.

Once again, the questions I asked were not answered.  I remember the kind woman who helped me at Richmond Aid, telling me how her husband who applied for PIP had to go to tribunal.  Apparently he was ex army and had been quite high up, during the Tribunal, when he was infront of a panel of people, he was reduced to tears.  Shameful really that people are reduced to this state and the whole stress of it I could not face, so I left it.

There will be no tribunal for me.

However for any of you applying, I would love to hear your stories and how it progresses for you.

Justine x

11 thoughts on “Update on my PIP

  1. I hope the regulations change in the near future, to enable you to reapply. Without having a tribunal. It is shameful of the govts. to humiliate people, when they so willy nilly waste money.

          1. art therapy. nature/outdoors or essay writing. would be my top 3 strategies. other than useless panadol. they aren’t a magic wand, but they can help at times 🙂

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